Hosted on Gucci’s Instagram Live, Academy award winner actor and musician, Jared Leto, speaks to Academy award winner film director, photographer and The North Face Athlete Jimmy Chin about #TheNorthFacexGucci collection and a recent project they shot together for Sidetracked magazine in Joshua Tree National Park. Jared is photographed by Jimmy, a fellow climbing enthusiast, wearing #TheNorthFacexGucci collection in the national park. Listen as this duo recount their climbing adventures and reminisce on the Sidetracked project. Discover #TheNorthFacexGucci collection on Read the article on link to sidetracked
Hosted on Gucci’s Instagram Live, Academy award winner actor and musician, Jared Leto, speaks to Academy award winner film director, photographer and The North Face Athlete Jimmy Chin about #TheNorthFacexGucci collection and a recent project they shot together for Sidetracked magazine in Joshua Tree National Park.
Jared is photographed by Jimmy, a fellow climbing enthusiast, wearing #TheNorthFacexGucci collection in the national park. Listen as this duo recount their climbing adventures and reminisce on the Sidetracked project.
Discover #TheNorthFacexGucci collection on
Read the article on link to sidetracked